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唐老師研究室的名稱是設計資訊與思考研究室(Design Information & Thinking Lab: DITL),隨著產業的變遷,名稱中的I,已經包含資訊(Information)、互動(Interaction)、介面(Interface)、和工業(Industrial)。
我們研究室的特色包含跨領域合作、可運作模型、設計與研究並重,研究與設計方向為設計思考與互動設計,目標是透過設計力滿足使用者需求,產生社會影響力。本研究室與產業關係密切,目前有多項建教案,也有長期合作的資工專業團隊。具備國際觀,常舉行國際工作坊或是有互動相關產或學界來訪。我們常用的設計方法是情境故事法(Scenario Approach),包含實際的使用者調查與使用性分析。常用分析方法包含原型使用性測試、訪談、及口語分析(Protocol Analysis)。
Academic Interests //
Design Thinking & Multidisciplinary Collaboration
HCI Design Practice
Scenario Based Innovation
Protocol Analysis & Qualitative Design Research
Hsien-Hui Tang 唐玄輝
Ph.D, The University of Sydney, Australia
// Key Center of Design Computing and Cognition, the Faculty of Architecture, (1998-2002)
Full-time Associate Professor, Dept. of Commercial and Industrial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Language Learning Aids for Kids.
iCAN is an APP to improve ability of verbal expression and cognitive development for communication learning of kids. It resolves the inconvenience of traditional aids for communication learning, for example, being not ease to carry, complex process of card making. To alleviate the burden of caregivers, the main functions include having large number of communicative cards and combinations of sentences, record of frequent use sentences, and adding and editing of new cards. With our categorization system and picture card exchange system, iCAN makes the learning and teaching process effective, efficient, and satisfactory.