台北銘傳國小 張乃娟老師
心路基金會 邱筱芳老師
心路基金會 陳芃蓁老師
心路基金會 黨國英組長
三民國小 吳婉萍老師
台東自閉症協會 孫中光先生
台東天主教救星教養院 鄭佩君老師
三民國小 陳杏香老師
三民國小 吳婉萍老師
三民國小 小燕老師
三民國小 印平老師
三民國小 家如老師
馬術治療中心 詹淑雅治療師
Language Learning Aids for Kids.
iCAN is an APP to improve ability of verbal expression and cognitive development for communication learning of kids. It resolves the inconvenience of traditional aids for communication learning, for example, being not ease to carry, complex process of card making. To alleviate the burden of caregivers, the main functions include having large number of communicative cards and combinations of sentences, record of frequent use sentences, and adding and editing of new cards. With our categorization system and picture card exchange system, iCAN makes the learning and teaching process effective, efficient, and satisfactory.