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Engineer - iOS


瑞策國際股份公司 / Wantoto Inc.




Shu-Yu Wang / 王俞又

He-Ho Nien / 何念一

Li-Ching Chou / 周立晴

Engineer - Android

駟馬科技股份有限公司 / Sabuz Tech Co.




Chien-Chiang Peng / 彭健強 

Yu-Wei Wang/ 王裕惟

Engineer - iOS 第一版開發合作


台大資工-行動人機界面實驗室 / MHRL


Prof. Yen-Yang Chen / 陳彥仰

Yung-Hsieh Chen / 陳雍協

Sung-Sheng Tsai / 蔡松昇
Ni-Miao Lin / 林霓苗

Miao-En Chien / 簡妙恩


Language Learning Aids for Kids.





iCAN is an APP to improve ability of verbal expression and cognitive development for communication learning of kids. It resolves the inconvenience of traditional aids for communication learning, for example, being not ease to carry, complex process of card making. To alleviate the burden of caregivers, the main functions include having large number of communicative cards and combinations of sentences, record of frequent use sentences, and adding and editing of new cards. With our categorization system and picture card exchange system, iCAN makes the learning and teaching process effective, efficient, and satisfactory. 

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